What is the Central Health & Wellness Center?
The Central Health & Wellness Center is a certified school based health center that serves the entire community, with Central School District students as its priority.
What are the community benefits?
- Improve access to quality primary and preventive health services
- Care for children and adolescents regardless of their ability to pay
- Reduce high costs associated with inappropriate use of emergency rooms and unnecessary hospitalizations
- Save parents time by reducing missed work hours
- Keep students in class and ready to learn
Who provides services at the Center?
- West Valley Hospital/Salem Health
- Polk County Public Health
- Polk County Behavioral Health
- Capitol Dental
We would like to thank our sponsors:
- The Ford Family Foundation
- Central School District
- Meyer Memorial Trust
- OHA State Operating Grant
- Spirit Mountain Community Fund
- Kaiser Permanente Foundation
Notification of Optional Anonymous Survey:
We value our students’ opinions . . .
If you are a student between the ages of 12 and 19, you may be asked to complete an anonymous survey after your visit. The survey will ask about your satisfaction and experience at Central Health & Wellness Center, as well as some general questions about your physical and mental health. This survey is optional and will not impact your ability to receive care, however, we would very much appreciate your opinion. Thank you for letting us know how we did and how we might be able to improve the care we provide to you. To see a copy of the survey, please go to the “SBHC Data Requirements” link on http://healthoregon.org/sbhc. If you have questions about the survey, please contact the SBHC State Program Office at sbhc.program@state.or.us
Valoramos las opiniones de nuestros estudiantes…
Si es estudiante entre 12 a 19 anos, tal vez se le pida que conteste una encuesta anonima despues de su visita.La encuesta pregunta sobre la experiencia y satisfaccion de su visita en el centro de salud Central Health y Wellness, y otras preguntas generales sobre su salud fisica y mental. La encuesta es opcional, y no afecta la capacidad de recibir servicios en el centro de salud. Apreciamos sus opiniones y agradesemos que nos informen como podemos mejorar nuestros servicios. Para ver una copia de la encuesta,por favor visite la pagina “SBHC Data Requirements” en http://healthoregon.org/sbhc. Si tiene preguntas sobre la encuesta, por favor visite la pagina de la oficina estatal del programa SBHC en sbhc.program@state.or.us